Nieddittas mussels are the first in Italy to achive product certification for the entire chain.
Nieddittas mussels with product certification are bred/stabulated in the Sardinian sea of the Gulf of Oristano: they boast hygienic-sanitary characteristics superior to those required by law as regards content of Pb, Cd, Hg, dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs, ASP and PSP toxins. These characteristics are entirely objective and determined by accredited laboratories. This means that, regardless of the origin of the primary sources, the consumer-ready product boasts the following sensory qualities assessed by the tasting panel:
– the mussels’ level of salty is statistically not differentiated between the various origins;
– the mussels’ taste is statistically not differentiated between the various origins.
The product’s certification is issued by Certiquality and is highlighted on the label by the “PRODOTTO CERTIFICATO Certiquality DT N. 72” seal.


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