> Grazie a voi per il successo della 10° Sagra delle Nieddittas Grazie a voi per il successo della 10° Sagra delle Nieddittas
10 Sep 2014
Thanks to all of you, the 10th Festival of Nieddittas was a great success.
- Thanks to Alessia and all the people of our unique and precious Nieddittas and Logica staff, for their enthusiasm and team spirit.
- Thanks to the tireless volunteers of the Pro Loco and administration of Terralba.
- Thanks to all the exhibitors, who have agreed to enrich the festival with their wonderful products.
- Thanks to restaurateurs who have enhanced our Nieddittas so well.
- Thanks to our friends at Akuna Matata for having entertained and amused our younger guests.
- Thanks to Fabio and Elena and bursting zin for the energy and the fun you have given us.
- Thanks to Eugenio Finardi and his extraordinary artists.
- Thanks to the whole community of Terralba, who participated in making their own festival.
- But above all, thanks to loyal consumers and connoisseurs of Nieddittas, came from many places of Sardinia to spend with us an evening of celebration.
Thank you. Claudio and Caterina.