They have been three days full of emotions and opportunities. All the emotions were due to the fact that for the first time the Sardinian mussels and fish were introduced in this international fair – which is the world’s largest seafood trade event – and this was made possible thanks to us and our Nieddittas’ team.
Emotions due to the fact that many of our customers of large-scale distribution nationwide came to visit us and to congratulate with us for our participation, our brand, our sea, our product, for the quality we offer, and also for the coffee and the amazing traditional sardinian treats they have tasted!
Also our friends from Conad, Coop, Eurospin, from major seafood wholesalers (Mavi Pesca and Fresco Pesce), and many others have visited us.
Many opportunities from the foreign visitors, who came to experience and find out something more about Nieddittas. It has been like a tour of the world in three days: we met professionals of the field from France, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, in other words from all those countries which are priorities to us. But also from Czech Republic, Caribbean, South Africa, Russia, Malaysia, Malta, China, Romania, Egypt, Dubai, Brazil, Morocco and many more.
In some cases, concrete opportunities to work on immediately to expand our distribution and grow. In other cases, it was more medium-term projects that still give us a strong motivation to keep growing, innovating, and improving the quality and range of our offer.

See you in 2016: Nieddittas will be back in Brussels to represent themussels and fish of Sardinia.

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