Nieddittas Dinner is a tour starring eight great chefs who will put themselves to the test with the superior quality of  Nieddittas, the mussels of the Gulf of Oristano, and all our other products. Eight themed evenings will take place in as many restaurants in Sardinia, Rome and Milan. All chefs will prepare a menu following their inspiration and creativity, to make the most of Nieddittas mussels and our other seafood products. Every chef will be entirely free and will therefore interpret our mussels as he/she thinks best, according to his/her style and taste. The work carried out by the eight chefs will be documented and at the end of  2016 it will give life to a special edition of the Nieddittas Recipe Book, which will be given to all those who took part in one of the legs of the tour. The evenings will also be recorded and commented on our social channels, to give all our fans the opportunity to follow us and, albeit indirectly, discover the extraordinary interpretation of Nieddittas given by the chefs.
All evenings will be open to the public. Those who love seafood and the taste of Nieddittas mussels will therefore have the chance to personally taste the dishes created by the chefs: we suggest you book in advance to be sure you find a place and can take part in such an extraordinary event in the nearest and most convenient restaurant for you.

These are the restaurants and chefs involved in the tour Nieddittas Dinner:

  • Wednesday 8th June, Suri California, Milan Chef Luca Di Lorenzo
  • Monday 20th June, I Sarti del Gusto, Cagliari Chef Riccardo Massaiu – postponed to a date to be determined due to temporary closing of the Restaurant
  • Friday 24th June, Ristorante Romeo, Rome Chef Cristina Bowerman
  • Friday 15th July, Su Carduleu, Abbasanta Chef Roberto Serra
  • Monday 18th July, Ristorante Golden Gate, Bortigiadas Chef Gianfranco Pulina
  • Sunday 7th August, Lucitta, Tortolì Chef Clelia Bandini
  • Sunday 28th August, Wine Bar Il Refettorio, Alghero Chef Agostino Piras
  • Thursday 22nd September, Oyster Wine Bar, Cagliari Chef Filippo Mundula

To book a place in these restaurants, click here to open the leaflet with all the phone numbers and addresses.
With Nieddittas Dinner, our company carries on its relationship with chefs, which is now solid and long-lasting. Since its first appearance on the market three years ago, the Nieddittas brand has attracted the attention of chefs, who more and more often choose our mussels for their menus. There are two reasons for this. On the one hand, chefs recognise the taste and quality of Nieddittas, the mussels of the Gulf of Oristano; on the other hand, they know that Nieddittas are the only certified Sardinian mussels, and  therefore they feel ever so confident when  offering them to their clients.
The chefs and restaurants included in the tour Nieddittas Dinner have been chosen in cooperation with, in charge of all the organisational aspects.


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