Nieddittas returns to communication with a campaign which, for the first time, will not be limited to Sardinia but will develop over the entire country. The mussels of the Gulf of Oristano, in fact, are distributed all over the peninsula and therefore want to support their commercial presence with an adequate type of communication. Nieddittas can be found from Rome to Milan in the best fishmongers and retail chains, where they are often given an important display space, precisely because of the quality of the product. The campaign will thus help consumers to get to know and recognise a product which represents an absolute excellence in the field of food made in Sardinia and that many final consumers have already learned to appreciate.
The claim of the Nieddittas advertising campaign in Italy is:

“Nieddittas. It’s the Sardinian sea which makes the taste so rich”.

A slogan which helps to connect the name of the product to the region it comes from, and especially helps to connect the quality of the product to the richness in taste that only the Sardinian sea can guarantee. The image of the campaign shows the promontory of Capo San Marco, the area of the Gulf of Oristano where Nieddittas are farmed; especially, the image of the campaign shows a Nieddittas mussel in the foreground, so that the unique and certified quality of the mussels of the Gulf of Oristano is made clear. The text of the advertising confirms the quality of Nieddittas mussels and highlights the fact that they are the only certified Sardinian mussels and the first in Italy with a product certification for the entire food chain.
The Nieddittas advertising campaign will be mainly planned for the press and digital platforms. National daily papers and magazines such as  Il Corriere della Sera, la Gazzetta dello Sport, La Stampa, Il Secolo XIX, Bell’Italia Sardegna, Oggi, Dove, as well as  in-flight magazines of the main airlines will show our advert, together with  many other local newspapers of central and northern Italy.
This advertisement represents an important event for Nieddittas which, having conquered Sardinian consumers, are now coming to the fore in national communication to conquer and convince gourmets all over Italy. A new record for Nieddittas mussels, the first to have a commercial brand to earn consumers’ trust and today the first to present themselves to the final consumer with such an important national advertising campaign. Communication on the media will be integrated by a series of events called “Nieddittas Dinner”: a number of tasting dinners starting in Sardinia and then reaching Milan and Rome as well. Yet another proof of how the mussels of the Gulf of Oristano are continuously growing and reaching an ever-increasing number of consumers even outside the island.

Nieddittas advertising will be on air as of Friday, 10th June.


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