A new sustainable synergy: Mondo and Nieddittas create an eco-friendly supply chain

Mondo Spa, an international leader in sports flooring based in Alba (CN), and Nieddittas, a fishing cooperative established in Arborea (OR) in 1967 and a prominent name in Sardinian mussel farming and fishing, have teamed up to create a new production chain that repurposes mussel shells and promotes environmental sustainability.

Piste di atletica dai gusci di cozze - Stadio

Mondo has developed a new running track compound that incorporates shells from bivalve mollusks, such as mussels and clams, commonly found in the Mediterranean. These shells are rich in calcium carbonate, a material frequently used in resilient flooring. Nieddittas produces, cleans, and prepares the shells, which are then ground into powder. Guided by an innovative and forward-thinking vision, Mondo and Nieddittas have established an eco-friendly supply chain that converts waste into a valuable resource. This creates a new generation of resilient and sustainable flooring, developed with a bio-inspired approach that applies biological knowledge and principles to flooring design. For example, using biogenic calcium carbonate to create a track is equivalent to offsetting the emissions of a Euro 4 diesel vehicle driving 60,000 km. Additionally, this process prevents the disposal of dozens of tons of waste in landfills. This demonstrates how recycling mussel shells can help reduce CO2 emissions by avoiding mining and its associated environmental impacts on local wildlife and human health, thus promoting more sustainable solutions.

Piste di atletica dai gusci di cozze - Cernita cozze

This collaboration is the result of three years of research and experimentation in the laboratories of both companies. It exemplifies groundbreaking synergy between Mondo, an international industrial company, and Nieddittas, a traditional yet modern cooperative deeply connected to its Sardinian maritime roots. After receiving the initial calcium carbonate samples from Nieddittas in 2021, both the technical feasibility and the necessary treatments for use in Mondo’s formulations were assessed. Business processes have been aligned with natural cycles, such as using sun drying for the mussel shells. Over time, the supply has expanded with a steady year-round procurement. This collaboration offers significant benefits by contributing to economic development, promoting environmental sustainability, and creating shared value. Local companies have been involved in managing the technical aspects, ensuring that the final product is an excellent substitute for mineral calcium carbonate. This project is not only scientifically intriguing but also serves as a forward-thinking example of a long-term commitment to sustainability and local communities, characterized by transparency, responsibility, and a genuine desire to make a difference.

Piste di atletica dai gusci di cozze - Pista

Piste di atletica dai gusci di cozze - Stadio Parigi

Piste di atletica dai gusci di cozze - Cozze



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