Songs are not enough to build a successful event. Therefore, in addition to the thanks to EdoardoBennato and his extraordinary musicians, we want to thank all those who have added to songs commitment and passion, working behind the scenes for the success of the evening.

  • Alessia and all the Nieddittas and Logica staff, they have spent every last drop of energy to keep up with every request and every emergency.
  • The Pro Loco of Terralba with its fantastic and tireless staff.
  • The administration of Terralba and the community of Terralba who participated with enthusiasm.
  • Dear friends of the Comitato ’65.
  • Associazione Bovale Jazz.
  • Exhibitors who have led and proposed their wonderful products.
  • The restaurants and bars that have enhanced creativity with our Nieddittas.
  • Radiolina for having entertained us waiting for Bennato.
  • The company Contini – Spanu who surprised us with the fireworks.

The last thanks – and it is the most important – is for the public, who stood in line to taste the Nieddittas, who enriched Terralba with color and fun, who applauded Bennato, who came from far away to be with us and still touches our hearts with comments and congratulations for the success of the evening.

Really thank you to all. Claudio e Caterina


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