It started the countdown to Christmas and the holidays! And also the new Nieddittas Cookbook is coming: by early December will be online. Anyone who loves seafood and especially our delicious mussels of the Gulf of Oristano must not miss it! In fact, this year, the Nieddittas Cookbook will feature dishes created by 8 chef, specially designed and dedicated to our products: foremost the mussels of the Gulf of Oristano, but also clams, razor clams, scallops, bottarga and the catch of the day. Each chef has freely taken inspiration from these products to invent recipes grounded in their individual talent and creativity. The best ideas of each chef have been collected in this new Nieddittas Cookbook: an original and creative collection of recipes where you can find lots of suggestions for your festive menu.

These are the chefs behind the recipes:

  1. Clelia Bandini, Lucitta, Tortolì
  2. Cristina Bowerman, Romeo, Rome
  3. Luca Di Lorenzo, Suri California, Milan
  4. Riccardo Massaiu, I Sarti del Gusto, Cagliari
  5. Corrado Parisi, Arke fine Restaurant, Cagliari
  6. Agostino Piras, Al Refettorio, Alghero
  7. Gianfranco Pulina, Golden Gate, Bortigiadas
  8. Roberto Serra, Su Carduleu, Abbasanta
If you would like to receive an email to download the Nieddittas Cookbook as soon as it will be online, you can leave your email address in the form below.

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