Privacy Information for website users

Dear user, we inform you that, for the management of the relations with your interlocutors, the Cooperativa Pescatori di Arborea S.c.a.r.l., owner of the "Nieddittas" trademark and of the contents of this website, collects your personal data acquired through the website, qualified as "personal data" by Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and EU Regulation 2016/679, hereinafter GDPR.
This legislation provides that those who process personal data are required to inform the data subject about which data are processed and about certain elements that qualify the processing, which must always be carried out correctly, lawfully and transparently, protecting your privacy and your rights. Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree196/2003, and of articles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation), we inform you that CPA collects your personal data and makes them the subject of treatment according to the methods and for the purposes set out below in compliance with the limits required by applicable legislation.
1 Nature of personal data
The personal data collected and processed by CPA as part of the obligations deriving from the relationships with the interested parties can be of the following type: personal data pursuant to article 4 paragraph 1 of the GDPR.
The personal data collected can be, for example, but not only: name, surname, fiscal code, date and place of birth, nationality, residential address, address of the place of employment, address of the tax office, VAT number, number of landline mobile phone number, fax number, ordinary and certified e-mail address, as well as data relating to the employing company, details of one or more identity documents, details of one or more bank current support accounts , days and working hours, punctuality of compliance with contractual obligations.
2 Lawfulness of processing
In the specific case of the company, the lawfulness of the processing pursuant to article 6 of the GDPR is guaranteed by having recourse even to one of the following reasons: the interested party has given their consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes; the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same; processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject; processing is necessary to safeguard the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person; the processing is necessary for the execution of a task of public interest or connected to the exercise of public powers vested in the data controller; the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties, provided that the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject that require the protection of personal data do not prevail, in particular if the data subject is a minor.
In particular, consent is always explicitly and previously requested and collected from the interested party in the following cases: use of personal data for customer profiling in order to commercialise products or services; use of personal data for the profiling of suppliers for the purpose of drafting summary sheets on the level of the service rendered or product supplied; use of personal data for the profiling of workers for the purpose of reporting their performance; use of personal data for the profiling of candidates to company organisational positions for the purposes of correct personnel selection. In the remaining cases the case studies cited by article 6 of the GDPR are sufficient.
3 Purposes of data processing and legal basis of processing
The personal data of the interested party are collected by CPA for the following purposes: management of contractual relationships with the interested party (acquisition of preliminary information at the conclusion of a contract, execution of operations based on obligations deriving from the contract concluded with the interested party, etc); legal obligations connected to civil, fiscal and accounting rules; inclusion in specific internal databases of customers and suppliers; performance of internal archive, statistics, marketing activities; promotion and sale of products and services rendered by CPA carried out by sending ordinary or electronic mail with advertising material, telephone calls, automated communication systems; detection of the degree of customer satisfaction regarding the quality of the services provided and the activity carried out by CPA, carried out directly by the latter or through the work of companies specialised in the sector, through personal or telephone interviews, questionnaires and the like.
4 Data acquisition and processing methods
Personal data may be collected: directly from the person concerned with verbal, telephone, fax, e-mail, ordinary mail or other written documents; to third parties by verbal, telephone, fax, e-mail, ordinary mail or other written documents; physical access by CPA staff to institutional offices of the Public Administration or telematic access to databases which CPA staff can access (e.g. Business Register, Chamber of Commerce, Municipality, etc.).
With respect to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of personal data takes place by collecting, manipulating, communicating and archiving both with manual and electronic and paper-based instruments, ensuring in any case that personal data is processed in compliance with the confidentiality and security of the data
5 Duration of the Processing
The personal data collected will be processed until the end of the contractual relationship with the data subject, if one exists, otherwise they will be processed until the consent is revoked by the data subject.
6 Navigation data and Log files
During normal operation, the computer systems and applications used to operate the website detect data (the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols) not associated with direct identifiable users. This data collected includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used to connect to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, request timestamps, the methods used to submit the requests to the server, the size of the files obtained in response, numerical codes indicating the server response status (successful, error etc.) and other parameters pertaining to the user's operating system and IT environment. This data is processed for no longer than is strictly necessary, for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the site and to check that it functions correctly.
7 Data provided voluntarily by the user
When you voluntarily and explicitly forward e-mail to the addresses indicated in the different access channels of the and fill in the specifically prepared "forms", we collect your email address and other data necessary to respond to your requests and/or provide the service that you request. Specific summary information dedicated to particular services on request will be provided or displayed on the website pages.
8 Cookies
The site, does not, in any way, use computer techniques for direct acquisition of personal identification data of the user or user's profiling systems. The so-called technical session cookies, once the connection to the website is terminated, are not stored. Our computer systems use: cookies for the transmission of personal information. See the appropriate section of the website for extensive information on the use of cookies.
9 Obligation or right to provide data and consequences of refusal
With regard to data we are obliged to understand and fulfil the obligations of laws, regulations, Community legislation, that is, orders issued by an authority legitimated to do so by the law and by the surveillance and control agency, a missed provision from you makes it impossible to begin or to continue a business relationship, in the limits in which this data is necessary for the execution of the relationship. In relation to details that we are not legally obliged to be made aware of, the failure to grant access to such details will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The amount of information received will be set against the amount of information requested and will have an impact on subsequent decisions.
10 Communication and dissemination of data to third parties
The data collected through the website are not "disseminated" by us, with this term meaning the giving of information to undetermined subjects in any way, even for their provision or consultation.
Your personal data may instead be "communicated" by us, with this term meaning the giving the data to one or more specific subjects, in the following terms: a) to persons in charge within our structure to process data, and in particular to the employees of our administrative offices; b) to subjects that can access the data according to the law, or community legislation, within the limits set by the law; c) to subjects who need to access the data for purposes auxiliary to the existing relationship, within the limits strictly necessary to perform the auxiliary tasks entrusted to them (e.g. credit institutions and shippers); d) to our consultants, to the extent necessary to carry out their duties, subject to our letter of assignment which contractually imposes the duty of confidentiality and security in the processing of data; e) to other external subjects in their capacity as organisers and partners in institutional activities related to courses, meetings, congresses, and any other event that you request to participate through the website
11 Rights of the data subject
As an interested party, you may exercise the following rights towards us: a) obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning you, even if not yet recorded, and the communication in intelligible form of the same data and their origin, as well as the purposes and methods of the processing and the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with electronic instruments; b) obtain the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data which does not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data was collected and processed; c) obtain the updating, correction and integration of their data; d) object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection. We also remind you that in any case you are always entitled to lodge a complaint with the Italian supervisory authority, or the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.
12 Owner, person responsible for and persons entrusted with processing.
The data controller of the personal data collected is the Cooperativa Pescatori Arborea a r.l., based in Reg. Corru Mannu, 09092 Arborea (OR), VAT number 00043460955, REA OR 64319, reg. enterprises OR 00043460955, telephone 0783800496 - 0783801443 - 0783802226, fax 0783801322, email, website
The holder uses a personal data processing manager, appointed in accordance with and for the purposes of article 29 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and of the article 28 of Regulation 2016/679, whose name and address pro tempore in force is always available at the company headquarters, where it is kept and disclosed on request.
The owner or manager of the processing of personal data has the right to appoint the persons in charge of processing personal data, who are the natural persons authorised to perform the processing operations.
The subjects referred to in point 10, which do not fall among those designated by the holder as appointee or manager, will use the personal data of which they become aware as owners in accordance with the aforementioned applicable legislation, in full autonomy, being outside the original treatment carried out at the CPA.