Bio Mare Mio – Frozen Organic Precooked Mussels in shell

Bio Mare Mio – Frozen Organic Precooked Mussels in shell

Bio Mare Mio organic mussels, available in all NaturaSì stores, have the same characteristics as fresh Nieddittas mussels. They are a prime example of high quality and environmental preservation.

Bio Mare Mio organic mussels are harvested in the Nieddittas farms in the open waters of the Gulf of Oristano. After blanching, our mussels are carefully sealed in vacuum-packed bags and cooked in a convection steam oven. This process ensures the preservation of their inter-valve liquid, essential for safeguarding the freshness and flavor of the harvested product. After the cooking cycle, they are immediately cooled and frozen.


Enjoy them in any recipe. Simply take the frozen mussels and add them to a pot, covering them with a lid. Cook over medium heat for approximately 6 to 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Save the liquid to give your recipe a flavor boost.
For optimal preparation, we recommend thawing the product to +4° before use.


Pea, snow pea, and mussel soup


Pea, snow pea, and mussel soup


  • 1 kg of Bio Mare Mio frozen organic precooked mussels in shell
  • 1/2kg snow peas
  • 100 g of fresh, shelled peas
  • 1/2 a lemon
  • 4 stalks of parsley
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil

Add the oil to a large saucepan and brown the garlic. Add the frozen organic mussels to the saucepan and cover with a lid. Cook over medium heat for around 6 to 8 minutes, then add the lemon and parsley. Shell some of the mussels, leaving some in their shells. Save the liquid from the mussels for later use.

Wash and string the snow peas, then blanch them in boiling water for 3 minutes. In the meantime, prepare a bowl of iced water so you can cool them immediately after draining. Repeat this process for the peas.
Using a high-quality hand mixer, blend the blanched snow peas with the reserved mussel liquid. Add water as needed to achieve a consistency that's not overly thin. Strain the mixture through a fine strainer.
To serve, combine the snow pea and mussel liquid soup with the blanched peas and both the shelled and unshelled organic mussels.

To learn more, see the




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